Workhouse in The Ottoman Empire (Industry Schools) Cover Image

Osmanlı Devleti’nde Islahhaneler (Sanayi Mektepleri)
Workhouse in The Ottoman Empire (Industry Schools)

Author(s): Yaşar Arslanyürek
Subject(s): Education, History of Education, 18th Century, 19th Century, The Ottoman Empire
Published by: Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversity
Keywords: Ottoman Empire; Workhouse; Industry School; Education;

Summary/Abstract: The Ottoman Empire began to lose its existing leadership as with many areas in the field of economics and production in the XVIII century began with the Industrial Revolution. It was thought that many resort for State's troubles to the rescue. One of them was given the speed of reforms in the field of education after the Tanzimat. This is one of the schools that were created within the framework of this reforms in the Workhouses that is Industry Schools. The establishment of Industry Schools were started for the first time in 1848 for meet the need for qualified personel, but this attempt failed. The Workhouse was given the name when it's installed not even a name for these schools afterwards. And it was began to be established after the 1860 year. But this time the economic reasons more subservient human emotion. Afterwards these schools it was also named to as Industrial Schools. Industrial Schools first opened for children of men which homeless and orphan children to have a profession and, at the same time, for the purpose of giving these children the education of morality. These organizations was to help and began to be established also for girls. In this study will be examined in Ottoman Empire workhouses the principal and will focus on opening reasons and this school of development processes.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 1-21
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Turkish
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