Library in search of the perfect sovereign: the tale of the rose and the palace in Russian Romanticism literature Cover Image

Библиотеката в търсене на идеалния владетел: приказката за розата и двореца от периода на руския романтизъм
Library in search of the perfect sovereign: the tale of the rose and the palace in Russian Romanticism literature

Author(s): Denka Krysteva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: perfect sovereign; political virtuousness; merciful reign; Roman¬ticism; Nicholas I of Russia; V. Zhukovskij; the brothers Grimm; The thorny rose; The sleeping princess

Summary/Abstract: The article raises the issue of the Russian library concerning the perfect sovereign, regarded as a series of texts on the same topic. The analysis focuses only on the part of this library from the Romantic period. The library is organized around the motif of the rose without thorns and the interpretation of the perfect sovereign through the code of the literary tale. The object of analysis is V. Zhukovskij’s translation of brothers Grimm’s tale Dornroshen as The thorny rose (1826) and The sleeping princess (1831). These tales are interpreted as allegories of contemporary political contexts from the beginning of Nicholas I of Russia’s rule, related to the Decabrist conspiracy, namely as a validation of the monarchy myth of the Emperor - Saviour of the throne from the evil forces followed by an appeal for a merciful reign.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 14
  • Page Range: 29-40
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Bulgarian
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