Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire – Revised Cover Image

Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire – Revised
Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire – Revised

Author(s): Milica Vukelić, Svetlana Čizmić, Ivana B. Petrović, Lazar Tenjović, Gabriele Giorgi
Subject(s): Social psychology and group interaction, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Društvo psihologa Srbije
Keywords: Workplace bullying; Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised; job and organization related measures; health and well-being; psychometric properties;

Summary/Abstract: The Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R), together with its earlier version, The Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ), is one of the most utilized instruments for exploring workplace bullying, both in applied and scientific research. Contrary to its widespread use, there are a few published NAQ-R validation studies. In this paper we wanted to support developing grounds for future cultural analysis, comparison and development of the NAQ-R which was created as an instrument primarily for measuring workplace bullying in Anglo-American cultural settings. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Serbian translation of the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R) by exploring its factor structure, internal consistency and criterion validity. The sample comprised 1710 employees from both private and public sector in Serbia. Principal component analysis revealed one component that explained almost 60% of the total variance. The Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in order to test the one, two and three factor solutions suggested by the authors of the NAQ. The results of CFA confirmed all three solutions, but only fairly, as some of the fit indicators did not reach the expected values. Reliability analysis showed excellent internal consistency of the NAQ-R (Cronbach’s alpha=0.96). The significant correlations of the NAQ-R with job and organization related measures, and subjective health and well-being measures provided evidence of its construct validity. Higher correlations of the NAQ-R with a set of work related behaviors than the correlations with health related measures were in accordance with the nature of the phenomenon that is primarily focused on work-disabling behaviors. The results of this study showed acceptable psychometric properties of the Serbian translation of the NAQ-R. Obtained findings indicate that the future development of the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised could follow two streams: one would be a further refinement of the uniform NAQ as a true cross-cultural measure that would generate comparable findings and the second one the development of separate national and/ or regional forms.

  • Issue Year: 48/2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 19-33
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: English
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