Farklı Örgüt Kültürü Tipleri ve Liderlik Tarzları ile Örgütsel Bağlılık Arasındaki İlişki: Lojistik İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma
The Relationships among Different Organizational Culture and Leadership Types with Organizational Commitment: A Field Study on Logistics Firms
Author(s): Avni Zafer AcarSubject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Orhan Sağçolak
Keywords: Organizational commitment; leadership styles; organizational culture; logistics industry;
Summary/Abstract: Logistics industry contributes to the adaptation of the firms to the requirements of global competitiveness by ensuring the movement of goods. Despite the changes and developments in context of telecommunication and transportation technologies logistics industry is still having a labor-intensive structure. Thus, to sustain organizational capabilities that created through employees is an important factor to achieve competitive advantage. According to the literature, desirable work outcomes of employees are related with their organizational commitment behavior to their organizations. Moreover in logistics firms, to adapt competitive environment and to create organizational capabilities through employees, leaders have to demonstrate leadership behaviors as forming and supporting a capability creating organizational culture. Thus the aim of this study is to explore the effects of organizational culture and leadership styles on employees’ commitment. To reach this aim a questionnaire survey is performed and data collected from 448 employees of 39 logistics firms analyzed by using SPSS v.15 statistical program. Findings of this research are supported the positive effects of leadership and organizational culture on the organizational commitment in context of logistics industry.
Journal: İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Issue Year: 5/2013
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 5-31
- Page Count: 27
- Language: Turkish