Микрокосмос, мезокосмос, макрокосмос. Модел на света и поетика във фолклора (По примери от българските народни гатанки)
Microcosm, Mezocosm, Macrocosm. Model of the World and Poetics in Folklore (On Examples of Bulgarian Folk Riddles)
Author(s): Peter GrzybekSubject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Summary/Abstract: The metaphorics of riddles that has reached to nowadays is dependent on a distinct (archaic) model of the world. Leaning on the evolutionary theory of knowledge, the author views it as an elaborated system of interrelations between microcosm (the man/the human body), mezocosm (the home) and macrocosm (the astral sphere). There is a structural isomorphism between them, which gives the opportunity for a variety of homomorphisms, i.e. interchange of components from the three different levels. This is what actually sustains riddle figurativeness and the diversity of its variability. The author proves his hypothesis using Bulgarian and large Slavic material. The ritual action of asking riddles is regarded from this point of view. The mezo-dimension is supposed to be an essential corrective especially when a chronology of riddles is being established. In this context the author discusses the possibilities given by the “anagram” interpretation of riddles. The main conclusion is drawn about the need for an overall and complex culturological approach to the riddle material.
Journal: Български фолклор
- Issue Year: XVIII/1992
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 5-22
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF