Possibilité et impossibilité de la traduction des métaphores comme particularité du langage poétique Cover Image

Possibilité et impossibilité de la traduction des métaphores comme particularité du langage poétique
Possibilité et impossibilité de la traduction des métaphores comme particularité du langage poétique

Author(s): Corneliu Durdureanu, Ioana Irina DURDUREANU
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Poetry, Translation Studies
Keywords: poetry; translation; strategies; metaphor;

Summary/Abstract: Translation of poetry relies on some strategies that envisage the text as a unit of translation. Consequently, the translator will adapt his/her methods according to the type of text, focusing also on the target culture. Metaphors, as stylistic devices of poetry, are culturally bounded to a certain way of viewing the world; that is, the translator must take into account first the culture involved in the translation process and then the linguistic and formal aspects.

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