Companies. Adding on the agenda of a general assembly already summoned. Defending shareholding rights through administrative means Cover Image
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Societăţi pe acţiuni. Completarea ordinii de zi a unei şedinţe a adunării generale a acţionarilor deja convocate. Apărarea drepturilor corporatiste prin mijloace de drept administrative
Companies. Adding on the agenda of a general assembly already summoned. Defending shareholding rights through administrative means

Author(s): Dragoş Călin
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Court case
Published by: Editura Rosetti International
Keywords: General assembly; supplementary agenda; decision of the Board of Directors; administrative sanction; Financial Supervisory Authority;

Summary/Abstract: Rezumat: Încălcarea drepturilor corporatiste derivate din calitatea de actionar poate fi sancţionată şi prin instrumente de drept administrativ de către Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară. În schimb, votul exprimat împotriva adoptării unei decizii a consiliului de administraţie cu potenţial de încălcare a drepturilor derivate din calitatea de acţionar este o manifestare de voinţă a persoanei fizice – administrator – de exonerare de răspundere contravenţională pentru această persoană, deoarece funcţionarea organului colectiv de conducere – consiliul de administraţie – este ordonată conform principiului majorităţii. Abstract: Violation of shareholders rights derived from the shareholder’s capacity can also be sanctioned by administrative law instruments by the Financial Supervisory Authority. Instead, the vote against the adoption of a decision of the board of directors with the potential to violate the rights derived from the shareholder’s capacity is a manifestation of the will of the natural person - administrator - of exoneration of contravention for this person, because the functioning of the collective management body - the board of directors - is ordered according to the principle of majority.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 1-10
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Romanian
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