Вербальные метафоры внутрителесного опыта взаимодействия в системе «человек – среда» (на примере образовательной среды вуза)
Verbal metaphors of intra-corporeal experience in the "man – environment" system (with the example “the educational environment of the university”)
Author(s): Valentina GrebnevaSubject(s): Education
Published by: Instytut Polsko-Rosyjski
Keywords: physicality interoception, intra-corporeal experience, verbal metaphor
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the features of representation of intra-corporeal experience of human interaction with the environment through verbal metaphors. It justifies the advantages of holistic approach to the study of phenolmena of physicality, as well as the use of the method of analogies. Structurally substantial characteristic of physicality and educational environment are also given. Described and empirically tested metaphoric model of studies of the intra-corporeal experience of interaction between human and environment.
Journal: Yearbook of Eastern European Studies
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 153-165
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Russian