Development of A Scale Measuring Attitudes Towards English Lesson: A Study of Reliability and Validity
Development of A Scale Measuring Attitudes Towards English Lesson: A Study of Reliability and Validity
Author(s): Ayşegül Takkaç TulgarSubject(s): Foreign languages learning, School education, State/Government and Education
Published by: Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Keywords: English lessons; attitude scale; validity and reliability;
Summary/Abstract: This study is purposed to conduct the validity and reliability analysis of The Attitudes towards English Lessons Scale (ATELES) which was developed with an aim to better understand the attitudes of high school students towards English lessons. 370 high school students in Erzurum, in 2016-2017 school year, participated in the study. Convenience sampling was used in the study. The factor structure of the scale was analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis and four dimensions (significance, knowledge, interest and avoidance) explaining the %64.55 of the total variance were obtained and the model fit indices were at a good level (X2/sd=2,93, RMSEA=.069, SRMR: .055, RMR= .046, NFI=.97, NNFI= .98, CFI=.98, IFI=.98, RFI=.97, AGFI=.86, GFI=.86). The analyses of internal consistency, half-split and test-retest reliability were conducted to check the reliability of the scale and enough scores were reached for scale reliability. Taking the results into account, ATELES can be said to be a valid and reliable instrument to measure the attitudes of high school students towards English lessons.
Journal: Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (BUSBED)
- Issue Year: 8/2018
- Issue No: 15
- Page Range: 233-244
- Page Count: 12
- Language: English