The Necessity of the Protection of the Privacy or Devastating Impact of the Internet in the Tragic Events to the Family and Bereaved Cover Image

Nutnost chránit soukromí aneb ničivý dopad internetu po tragických událostech na rodinu a pozůstalé
The Necessity of the Protection of the Privacy or Devastating Impact of the Internet in the Tragic Events to the Family and Bereaved

Author(s): Lenka Vlášková
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: social networks; tragic events; expiriences of the bereaved; secondary victimization; case reports

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this contribution is to convey the knowledge from the practice about the hurting impact on the psyche of the family and the bereaved of the victims of crimes, tragic events and the extraordinary disasters in case the information about the event is published on the social networks and news portals on the Internet. It is not the aim of this paper to name all the reactions and possibilities. It aims to present a different point of view on the publishing of this kind of information and makes the readers to think about. We live in the time when anything can be documented, filmed, photographed, sent and published on the social network really easily. It can be seen how media are able to react quickly to the tragic events. It occurs very often that the photograph from the place of the tragedy appears on the Internet much earlier than the family related to this case is informed. And even the situation that the mentioned families get the information about the tragedy just through the Internet is not an exception. This paper outlines the experience of the affected persons, who can read the story and the comment of different users about the tragedy that caught them personally. It is possible that published information is more or less in correspondence with the reality but the most hurting is the fact that their private details can be revealed, in many times even their intimate details. This takes part in the secondary victimization. Then the crisis intervention by the police and possible further following therapy and consultancy is more complicated.

  • Issue Year: 52/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 59-75
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Czech
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