Child Marriages and Psychosocial Outcomes Cover Image

Çocuk Evlilikleri ve Psikososyal Sonuçları
Child Marriages and Psychosocial Outcomes

Author(s): Evrim Aktepe, İnci Meltem Atay
Subject(s): Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction, Clinical psychology
Published by: Çukurova Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı
Keywords: child marriage; child abuse; psychosocial aspects;

Summary/Abstract: One of the most frequent forms of child abuse worldwide is child marriage. Underage marriages are going on to keep their commonness in countries such as Turkey although frequencies of them are decreasing in the world. Child marriage generally refers to the marriage of a child who is under 18 years of age. Because the majority of these marriages are performed without the conscious consent of the child, they are also defined as “early and forced marriages. Child marriages seperate children from their families and friends, expose them to domestic violence, jeopardize their development and the opportunities in educational, social and occupational areas. Early marriages may lead to psychologi-cal problems as well as depression and suicide. The aim of this article is to evaluate the frequency and causes of early marriage and its psychosocial consequences.

  • Issue Year: 9/2017
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 410-420
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Turkish
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