Газета “Biełarus” (1913–1915) і яе месца ў беларускім грамадстве пачатку ХХ стагоддзя
Newspaper “Bielarus” (1913-1915) and Its Place in the Belarusian Society of the Early Twentieth Century
Author(s): Aliaksandr BystrykSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Media studies, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Sociology of Religion
Published by: Палітычная сфера
Keywords: History of Belarus; Catholic Movement in Belarus; Belarusian National Movement; Belarusian Printing; “Bielarus” Newspaper;
Summary/Abstract: The author tries to study the scantily explored phenomenon of Belarusian religious-patriotic movement as well as the history of its organ - “Bielarus” newspaper. In particular, the author tries to determine preconditions for emergence of the edition; he reviews language policy of the Roman-Catholic Church in Belarus and the history of development of the religious- patriotic movement. The author examines some aspects of history and structure of the newspaper, including the biographies of its creators, and analyses newspaper audience on the basis of readers' letters. He also analyses reaction to the emergence of “Bielarus” newspaper on the pages of other Viînia editions.
Journal: Палітычная сфера. Часопiс палiтычных даследаванняу
- Issue Year: 2016
- Issue No: 24
- Page Range: 121-138
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Belarusian