The law applicable to the coincidence of claims for damages arising from the ex contractu and ex delicto regime in the context of contracts for medical treatment Cover Image

Prawo właściwe dla zbiegu roszczeń odszkodowawczych wynikających z reżimu ex contractu i ex delicto na tle umów o przeprowadzenie zabiegu medycznego
The law applicable to the coincidence of claims for damages arising from the ex contractu and ex delicto regime in the context of contracts for medical treatment

Author(s): Jan Marek Szczygieł
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: law applicable; medical contracts; medical tourism; medical travelers

Summary/Abstract: The main focus of the study is an attempt to determine methods of searching the applicable law for the concurrence of the liability resulting from breach of contract and liability resulting from a tort on the background of agreements regarding medical treatment. This problem is a subject of a numerous discussion the legal doctrine. The issue was analysed from the point of view of regulation by national law and comparative law. The author argues that the classification of claims should to be principally based upon the statutes contractual. However does not exclude the possibility of choice of applicable law by the parties at the stage of concluding the contract.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 20
  • Page Range: 59-76
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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