Review: Which Emigres Were against Benes Cover Image

Kdo stál v exilu proti Benešovi
Review: Which Emigres Were against Benes

Author(s): Jana Čechurová
Subject(s): Review
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Ústav pro soudobé dějiny

Summary/Abstract: KUKLÍK, Jan - NĔMEČEK, Jan: Proti Benešovi! Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýne 1939-1945. Praha, Karolinum 2004, 485 stran. The reviewer calls Kuklik and Nemecek's Proti Benesovi! Ceskd a slovenskd protibene¬sovskd opozice v Londyne 1939-1945 (Against Benes! The Czech and Slovak anti-Benes opposition in London, 1939—45) a work meriting special praise. It is based on a number of preparatory articles by the authors, and summarizes a wealth of diverse materials. Using a combination of chronological, thematic, and biographical (group) interpretations, the authors have managed for the whole period of the Second World War, to map out thoroughly and to categorize the emigre politicians in London, who one way or another defined their position in relation to Benes and the provisional government he represented.

  • Issue Year: XI/2004
  • Issue No: 04
  • Page Range: 142-145
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Czech
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