Konstytucja RP a ewolucja systemu wyborczego do Sejmu
Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Evolution of the Electoral System to the Sejm
Author(s): Dominik SiekluckiSubject(s): Constitutional Law, Government/Political systems, Electoral systems, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
Published by: Uniwersytet Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: electoral system; electoral law; constitution; proportionality;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is impact of polish constitution on process of evolution of Sejm electoral system. The research problem and methods: The Author verifies three hypothesis. First – constitution had no influence on evolution of Sejm electoral system; second – enacted of constitution has determined evolution process of Sejm electoral system; third – enacted of constitution affected only formal procedures in Sejm electoral system. Author uses the research methods: quantitative, qualitative and system. The process of argumentation: The analyses consist of three parts. In first Author focuses on process of evolution of constitutional regulations from the beginning of nineties to enact of constitution in 1997. In second Author presents the evolution process of electoral system looking for some relations between constitution and enacting new electoral law. In the last part Author analyses the rule of proportionality and his influences on electoral system. Research results: Author concludes, that constitution has some influences on electoral system, indicate in second and third hypothesis. Conclusions, innovations, and recommendation: It is difficult to change electoral system without changing the constitution because of rule of proportionality, but it can’t be ruled out some action in future in this area. Constitutional regulations, particularly in the beginning of nineties, defined and set democratic standards of election.
Journal: Horyzonty Polityki
- Issue Year: 9/2018
- Issue No: 26
- Page Range: 77-91
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish