Piniginiais reikalavimais pagrįsto finansavimo būdai bei galimybės juos taikyti Lietuvoje
Different Kinds of Financing Based on Receivables and Opportunities to Apply them in Lithuania
Author(s): Lina AleknaitėSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Lietuvos teisės institutas
Summary/Abstract: From the position of the state, trying to implement market economy, this article evaluates the opportunities provided by the Lithuanian legal provisions for companies to receive cheaper and more accessible financing on the basis of receivables. First of all, legal provisions regulating factoring are analysed. The finding is that in principle factoring is properly regulated in Lithuania. Then, the focus is on the opportunities to use other kinds of receivables-based financing: non-notification financing, financing when security interests are created over receivables, and securitization. A conclusion is drawn, that at the current state of regulation these kinds of financing are hardly available. Finally, a thought is conveyed, that maybe these different kinds of financing should be governed by one legal regime and not by a separate set of norms for each of them.
Journal: Teisės problemos
- Issue Year: 2008
- Issue No: 59 (1)
- Page Range: 54-76
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Lithuanian