Operational Group “East” in battle on the Osa 1–3 IX 1939 Cover Image

Grupa Operacyjna „Wschód” w bitwie nad Osą 1 - 3 września 1939 r.
Operational Group “East” in battle on the Osa 1–3 IX 1939

Author(s): Łukasz Bors
Subject(s): Military history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
Published by: Instytut Historii UJK - Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim
Keywords: second world war; Pomorze Army; battle on the Osa;

Summary/Abstract: Polarization of Polish-Germany relations in the Summer 1939 together with the looming war, made Polish military and governing bodies intensify the war plans. As a result the Pomorze Army was established with the Operational Group “East” within. The Operational Group consisted of approximately one-third of the Pomorze Army forces. The opponent of the Polish Army on this very front line was German XXI Army Corp commanded by Lt. Gen. Nikolaus von Falkenhorst. The XXI Army Corp had superiority over the Polish Army in terms of artillery, armor and air support. The Operational Group “East” under the command of Gen. Bołtuć was the only Polish unit within the Pomorze Army that proved to be most effective during the border conflict. Its efforts helped to save the remaining units of the Pomorze Army from death. This same unit made it impossible for the Germans to reach their assumed aim which wasto get control over the east bank of the Vistula river between Grudziądz and Chełm by September 3rd. As a result, the Germans’ plan, which was to cut off the only way for Pomorze Army to retreat through the Pomeranian corridor, was thwarted. Despitemuch stronger technological position of the opponent, sabotage in the rear and problems with signal system, which often resulted in disorganization, the Operational Group “East” succeeded in their tasks. The divisions under Gen. Bołtuć command were not destroyed. On the contrary, after 3 days of fierce fighting, these divisions proved to be better organized and ready for further fights.

  • Issue Year: 19/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 67-120
  • Page Count: 54
  • Language: Polish
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