Sprisahanecké myslenie v „cenzurovanom“ diele Richarda Milleta
Conspiratorial thinking in the works of the “censored” author Richard Millet
Author(s): Ján DrengubiakSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: SAV - Slovenská akadémia vied - Ústav svetovej literatúry
Keywords: Richard Millet; Censorship; Contemporary French literature; Conspiratorial thinking
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the works of French author Richard Millet and the way he thematizescensorship from his early works up to the controversial eulogy of Anders Breivik in 2012.The author’s claim of being a victim of censorship is approached as a symptom of a largerproblem that is conspiratorial thinking. The study shows that Millet’s conspiratorial ideationevolves progressively and becomes ever more pronounced and radicalized in his writings.Though censorship, in his mind, takes up different forms – from political correctness to indirectmeans of silencing – it underlies the author’s conspiratorial mindset on every stage andis a part of his self-image.
Journal: World Literature Studies
- Issue Year: 10/2018
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 24-37
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Slovak