The eternal act generatio of the Son as a model for theology, bioethics and the spirituality Cover Image

Odwieczny akt generatio Syna jako model dla teologii, bioetyki i duchowości
The eternal act generatio of the Son as a model for theology, bioethics and the spirituality

Author(s): Andrzej Muszala
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Ethics / Practical Philosophy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Keywords: Begetting the Son; dogmatic theology; bioethics; procreation; spirituality; image of God;

Summary/Abstract: The article analyzes the influence of the dogmatic truth of the begetting of God’s Son by the Father for theology, bioethics and spirituality. The inner life of God is a main subject of the theological reflection. God the Father is in the incessant movement to another – to the Son. He is still begetting His Son in eternal now. There is why theology should describe God not in static or stagnant terms but as a being in constant act of forgetting about himself; as a primal source of all constructive activity in the world. The act of begetting the Son has also its repercussions for bioethics, especially these concerning every human procreation. The Father is begetting His Son in Himself and in the act of love. The same conditions are supposed to be kept in case of the conception of every child. Because the procreation is a participation of man in the God’s creation, it should take place in the act of love and inside the female body. As for spirituality, the eternal act of begetting the Son by the Father shows the inner orientation of every human life as a service for others and the attitude of self-offering.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 45
  • Page Range: 205-213
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Polish
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