Shaping the Avatar Identity in Computer Games. A Study in Game Adaptations of Henry David Thoreau’s „Walden” Cover Image

Kształtowanie tożsamości awatara w grach komputerowych. Studium komputerowych adaptacji „Waldena” Henry’ego Davida Thoreau
Shaping the Avatar Identity in Computer Games. A Study in Game Adaptations of Henry David Thoreau’s „Walden”

Author(s): Izabela Tomczak, Paweł Stachura
Subject(s): Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Studies of Literature, Other Language Literature, 19th Century Philosophy, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: cultural theory; Henry David Thoreau; „Walden”; videogames

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses possibilities of character building in computer games, which for many gamers is a way of expressing and modifying their own identity. Games differ in the degree of freedom given to a gamer in shaping the identity of the in-game character, or avatar, and in many games avatar-formation is an important part of game structure, providing a lot of game satisfaction, and requiring as much time and involvement as the game-play itself. The games under discussion are adaptations of H.D. Thoreau’s „Walden”. The choice of games stems from the observation that identity, freedom, and limitation are important themes of Thoreau’s work, which is reflected in the games under discussion. The three games discussed in the article are, thus, treated as modernist and postmodernist readings of a literary text, giving the reader/gamer more or less limited possibilities of shaping the character/avatar.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 37
  • Page Range: 49-62
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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