Deconstruction of neoimperial thought in Victor Pelevin’s „Pineapple Water for the Fair Lady” Cover Image

Dekonstrukcja myśli neoimperialnej w „Ananasowym napoju dla pięknej damy” Wiktora Pielewina
Deconstruction of neoimperial thought in Victor Pelevin’s „Pineapple Water for the Fair Lady”

Author(s): Paweł Łaniewski
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

Summary/Abstract: Politically involved works of Victor Pelevin describe and deconstruct phenomena characteristic for the social life of the postmodern period. The new neoimperial paradigm is different from the previous one. Thanks to the development of new means of communication, countries use unconventional weapons in their struggle for influence, and certain elements of postmodern wars become simulacric phenomena of postmodern culture. The grotesque stories and novels of Pelevin, included in the collection „Pineapple Water for the Fair Lady”, are connected with poststructural philosophy and deconstruct the traditional perception of history and politics.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 28
  • Page Range: 138-156
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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