Il possessivo e gli avverbi di luogo nel fumetto italiano: dal progetto di ricerca all’uso pedagogico
The possessive and the adverbs of place in the Italian comic book: from the research project to the pedagogical use
Author(s): Sophie Saffi, Virginie Culoma SauvaSubject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: comics; possessive; adverbs of place
Summary/Abstract: Since 2013, within the CAER Research Unit, we have been producing corpus of Disney comics (Topolino) and Italian Graphic Novels. A longitudinal study (30s, 90s, 21st Century) allows us to compare the Italian standard and the various regional achievements. The comic introduces a new class of written language that reproduces the speech and alters the classic dichotomy written vs. spoken. Dialogue in comics is enriched with oral representations rarely present in literary or print texts. We suggest the results of a diachronic, synchronous and contrastive study of the use of possessive and place adverbs related to demonstrative in the standard systems of Italian and French, validating the hypotheses considered in previous studies. The aim is to propose the physiognomy of the Italian in relation to the explicit and implicit brand of ownership and the most recurring substitution strategies, including the reflexive solution. In fact, what is distinguished is the part of activity that is opposite to passivity: the power of animation will then be at the center of our interest. We also look at the results of the use of place adverbs for demonstrative and propose the hypothesis of an evolutionary movement of the conception of person and space in contemporary Italian. Finally, we present the use of comic book as an inverse pedagogy tool in our Italian language instruction addressed to three-year graduate.
Journal: Italica Wratislaviensia
- Issue Year: 9/2018
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 219-237
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Italian