Are There a Trade Unions Among Civil Servants: Analysis of the Presence of Unionization in State Administration in Serbia Cover Image

Има ли синдиката међу државним службеницима: анализа присуства синдикалног организовања у државној управи у Србији
Are There a Trade Unions Among Civil Servants: Analysis of the Presence of Unionization in State Administration in Serbia

Author(s): Ivica Lazović
Subject(s): Public Administration, International relations/trade
Published by: Институт за политичке студије
Keywords: trade union; state administration; ministries; collective agreements; Republic of Serbia

Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the presence of trade union organizations among civil servants in the state administration in the Republic of Serbia. The employees are organized in different ways in the admin istration, but the role and significance of trade union organization is very important for all democratic societies. There is a brief overview of the development of trade unionism and, in particular, the development of trade unionism on the territory of Serbia. This development was dynamic and in line with global trends, but with many specifics especially in the post-World War II period and after building of real socialism. Starting from the common political and legal past, the paper analyzes the role and significance of trade unions in the countries of the former SFR Yugoslavia. An overview is made of the legal framework that determines trade union organization and operation in the Republic of Serbia, primarily through working legislation in terms of defining basic concepts. A part of the paper examines and analyzes the presence of trade unions in the state administration of the Republic of Serbia i.e. in ministries, special organizations and government services. It also analyzes the place and role of representative trade unions in terms of collective bargaining and their share in making specific collective agreements that apply to civil servants in ministries, special organizations and government services. In addition to analyzing regulations and achieving the presence and role of trade unions, the work is based on research on the presence of trade unions in the state administration. There is one trade union in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are two trade unions in the Ministry of Labor, 12 trade unions in the Ministry of Defense, one trade union in the Republic Institute of Statistics, three trade unions in the Republic Geodetic Authority, one trade union in the Intellectual Property Office. Of the analyzed bodies, 19 do not have trade unions and only 7 state bodies have registered trade unions. After considering and analyzing trade union organization in the state administration in the Republic of Serbia, we can conclude that, regardless of the significance of the trade unions and important role they have in the society, they failed to take place that belongs to them in the state administration, they are only formally present and they are far from an important role in social dialogue.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 141-156
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Serbian
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