Współpraca w regionie morza bałtyckiego- Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego
Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region - Council of the Baltic Sea States
Author(s): Iwona Śmigerska-BelczakSubject(s): Governance, International relations/trade
Published by: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Keywords: cooperation of the Baltic Sea region countries; economic development; education; energy; culture; internal security
Summary/Abstract: In 2011 the Baltic Sea region was marking the 20th anniversary of the Baltic countries regaining their independence and the resumption of diplomatic rela- tions with them. This region with the riches of experiences is the region where the currently established methods and practices of cooperation are a source of knowledge and experience for a peaceful striving after stabilization and welfare. The changes that took place 20 years ago have brought development of different forms of cooperation and a lot of regional international organizations were established. The governmental international organization is the Council of the Baltic Sea State, a regional political forum, whose stated aims are to coordinate the cooperation between the partners and to achieve sustainable growth of the region. The Prime Ministers have established a number of the valuable initiatives, such as Baltic21, which was a regional counterpart to the UN Agenda21, the Strategy for the Baltic Sea region or the Northern Dimension Partnership for Health and Social well-being. Also the groups of experts were appointed in order to advance work in the respective areas. Many of these aspects are connected with sustainable development, which nowadays is considered as one of the biggest challenges. The Baltic Sea region is also important for the European Union due to its strategic neighborhood.
Journal: Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego „Studia i Prace”
- Issue Year: 9/2012
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 175-198
- Page Count: 24
- Language: Polish