On the Relations of Thrace with the Propontis Region in the 4th Century BC: Phiale B71 from Tomb No. 2 in the Mogilanska Mogila Tumulus
On the Relations of Thrace with the Propontis Region in the 4th Century BC: Phiale B71 from Tomb No. 2 in the Mogilanska Mogila Tumulus
Author(s): Ruja PopovaSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Visual Arts, Comparative history, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World
Published by: Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология - Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The study is on the phiale with the medallion from Tomb No. 2 in the Mogilanska Mogila tumulus, placed in the context of the three cups bearing inscriptions from the same find. In the museum in the town of Vratsa there is an instrument shaped like a truncated cone, on the basis of which a female profile to the right is depicted in low relief. It can be noted that the image on the seal is highly similar to that on the medallion of the silver phiale. A very close parallel is found in the images on coins of one of the most important ancient cities in Asia Minor – Cyzicus, as well as on coins from Lampsacus. The questions are focused on the possibility the image on the gilded silver plaque to be directly related to the bronze instrument and on the ways in which it could have been found on the territory of Northwestern Thrace. Some of the options considered are the seal to have been in the possession of one of the so-called “itinerant” toreuts, who worked on that territory, or of a local crafts-man learning his trade on the territory of the Propontis, possibly also in Cyzicus, where he acquired skills to make such objects.
Journal: ORPHEUS. Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 23-24
- Page Range: 16-31
- Page Count: 16
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF