Czy Polska wpadła w pułapkę średniego dochodu?
Has Poland fallen into a middle-income trap?
Author(s): Arkadiusz SierońSubject(s): Economy, National Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: Poland; transformation; middle-income trap;
Summary/Abstract: Purpose – The aim of the study is to determine whether Poland has fallen into a middle-income trap. Research method – The article uses a critical appraisal of literature and reasoning. Results – The analysis carried out indicate that both the theoretical and empirical foundations of the middle-income trap are very weak. Even if we assume that the trap exists, Poland, with GDP per capita amounting to above $28,000, luckily hasn’t fallen into it, according to most criteria. Hence, that concept should not guide the country’s economic policy. The recommendations for economic policy put forward on the basis of the middle income trap hypothesis will not be appropriate, and may even be counterproductive.
Journal: Optimum. Economic Studies
- Issue Year: 96/2019
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 53-68
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish