Inwentarz rzymskokatolickiego kościoła parafialnego w Siehniewiczach z 14 maja 1930 roku
The Inventory of the Catholic Church in Siehniewice of 14 May 1930
Author(s): Waldemar Witold ŻurekSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, Geography, Regional studies, History of Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: Church history; the history of the diocese of Pińsk; the parish of Siehniewice; the inventory of the parish churches; the church preferment
Summary/Abstract: “The inventory of the Catholic church of Siehniewice prepared by father Izydor Niedroszlański during the transfer of that church to the new appointed pastor, father Henryk Kazimierowicz according to the decision of His Excellency the Bishop of Pińsk on 14 May 1930, number 1096/30”The first wooden parish St. Mary of Assistance church in Siehniewice in the diocese of Łuck-Brześć has been founded in the middle of XVIth century. The church built of bricks have established in 1785 Józef and Maria Prozorowie. The church has been burned by the Russians in 1915 and 1922 reconstructed by the pastor father Izydor Niedroszlański und thanks to the support of the parishioners and benefactors. During the years of the Second Republic the parish of Siehniewice was placed in the new 1925 created diocese of Pińsk. The Bishop Zygmunt Łoziński gave on 14 May 1930 the administration of that parish to the successor of farther Izydor Niedroszlański. From the at that time completed inventory we are getting knowledge about the history of that parish and church, about the successively done constructions and reconstruction, about the equipment and decorations of that church. The in the inventory described material means of the parish are revealing the church preferment. The inventory is describing also the parish buildings, archives and office.
Journal: Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
- Issue Year: 2018
- Issue No: 110
- Page Range: 465-476
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish