„Дунав, најважнији водени пут између Средње Европе и Истока“ (Извештаји Југословенској краљевској влади у Другом светском рату)
“The Danube – The most Important Waterway Connecting Central Europe and the East” (Reports to the Royal Yugoslav Government during the World War II)
Author(s): Milan TerzićSubject(s): Military history, Political history, International relations/trade, Security and defense, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Institut za strategijska istraživanja
Keywords: Danube; waterway connection; Central and East Europe; strategic plans; Yugoslav government; water connection; The World War Two;
Summary/Abstract: The Danube was marked as the central navigable route in the strategic plans of the Third Reich. Due to its importance, the Allies, and especially British, tried to cut this water communication and the Yugoslav government was asked to assist in accomplishing of the task. The intensified traffic on the Danube was understood by the Allies as an indication of possible preparations for a German attack on neutral Turkey. The core of the issue was the aspiration to block German economic exploitation of South East Europe, with the focal point in the oil fields in Ploesti, Romania, in order to stop the German war machine. The activities of Yugoslav representatives point to endeavours to contribute to the war efforts of the Allies. However, when Mihailović and his commanders were asked to get actively involved in field combat they opted to wait and gave priority to struggle against the partisan movement.
Journal: Vojnoistorijski glasnik
- Issue Year: 2009
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 72-80
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Serbian