Cohesion Fund 2007‑2013. An analysis of implementation and results 
in Romania Cover Image

Fondul de Coeziune 2007-2013. O analiză a implementării și rezultatelor în România
Cohesion Fund 2007‑2013. An analysis of implementation and results in Romania

Author(s): Rucsandra-Elena Mierloiu
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: Fundaţia »Societatea Civilă« (FSC)
Keywords: Cohesion Fund; operational programmes; absorption capacity; pay rate; contraction rate; regional disparities;

Summary/Abstract: Cohesion policy represents an important resource for the social and economic recovery of the member states. Through the Cohesion Fund absorption analysis during 2007-2013 financial period in Romania, I evaluate the efficiency with which the allocated funds have been used. Throughout this article I will highlight the causes and factors that lead to weak absorption, the experience of main actors and institutions involved in this process and the lessons learned from both institutions and beneficiaries. The article is structured as follows: The first section provides an overview of the specific literature review. This is followed by a detailed discussion of each major aspects related to the absorption process. The article concludes with brief remarks on results, problems and lessons learned.

  • Issue Year: XXVI/2018
  • Issue No: 195
  • Page Range: 106-115
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Romanian
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