Death of Decii. Defeat of the Roman Army Near Arbitus as the Culmination of the Scythian War of 250—251 Cover Image

Гибель Дециев. Разгром римской армии у Абритуса как кульминация Скифской войны 250—251 гг.
Death of Decii. Defeat of the Roman Army Near Arbitus as the Culmination of the Scythian War of 250—251

Author(s): O. V. Vus
Subject(s): History
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: Trajan Decius; Ostrogoths; Kniva (Hunuil); Scythian War; battle of Abritus

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the Scythian War of 250—251, whose main event was the battle near Abritus in Lower Moesia between the Army of Emperor Trajan Decius and the united troops of the Goths and the Carpi. During the intensive fighting, the Romans repeatedly tried to turn the course of the war in their favour, and the battle which took place on the 1st of July, 251 was the last and decisive such attempt. Having committed an important tactical miscalculation during the battle, Decius lost it, and died along with his son and co-regent Herennius Etruscus in the swamps south of Abritus. The Roman army incurred huge losses and left without protection the civilians of the Pre-Balkan region. The leaders of Germanic tribes, Ostrogoths and Kniva (Hunuil) took out their troops, captives and stolen prey outside the Danube basin without any obstacles.The author states that the Scythian War of 250—251 ended with a crushing military defeat of the Romans, which provoked another political crisis in the Empire.

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