Агенции на ЕС. Европейска агенция за безопасни и здравословни условия на труд
EU agencies. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Author(s): Penka MechkarskaSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Law, Higher Education , Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: EU agencies; Safety and Health
Summary/Abstract: With the enlargement of the European Union, the constant improvement of safety and health at work is a key objective of European social and labor policy. Enabling the wide variety of occupational safety and health issues faced by Europe is not within the reach and competence of only one Member State or institution. This is the reason why the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work is set up. Its purpose is to bring together and share with its members a large base of knowledge and information on occupational safety and health issues, and in particular the good practices of preventive activities.
Journal: Юридическо списание на Нов български университет
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 75-81
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Bulgarian