Złożoność zarządzania ryzykiem w przedsiębiorstwach projektowych z sektorów kreatywnych w Polsce
The Complexity of Risk Management in Design Enterprises of Creative Sectors in Poland
Author(s): Jacek WoźniakSubject(s): Social Sciences, National Economy, Financial Markets
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: complexity; risk; management; creative sectors; enterprise
Summary/Abstract: The main purpose of the article is to identify the basic actions that are taken in the framework of risk management in core (i.e. design) processes in enterprises in the creative services sector in Poland. The research was conducted on business owners or managers responsible for the area of risk management, relationships with the ambience or innovations. The research shows that the complexity of risk management is shaped mainly in the context of operational management and holistic identification of risk factors. There are no significant differences in the type of undertaken activities in the area of risk management. The shaping of the complexity of risk management in these classes of enterprises has a similar nature. Moreover, the complexity of risk management in enterprises is at a relatively low level. The study was conducted on a relatively small sample – therefore, it can be considered as a pilot research. The study was focused on selected aspects of the shaping of the complexity of risk management processes. The study took into account the opinions of respondents, which may distort the real state of issues tested in the research.
Journal: Problemy Zarządzania
- Issue Year: 16/2018
- Issue No: 3 (76)
- Page Range: 97-115
- Page Count: 19
- Language: English, Polish