Subkulturní násilí jako protest vůči „buržoaznímu“ způsobu života
Subculture violence as a protest against the “bourgeois” way of life
Author(s): Lucie MarkováSubject(s): Cultural history, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), History of Communism, Post-Communist Transformation
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Ústav pro soudobé dějiny
Keywords: Czechoslovakia;Czech Republic;New Biedermeier;state socialism;post-socialism;sub-cultures;
Summary/Abstract: Daniel, Ondřej: Násilím proti „novému biedermeieru“: Subkultury a většinová společnost pozdního státního socialismu a postsocialismu. Příbram: Pistorius & Olšanská, 2016, 178 pp., ISBN 978-80-87855-90-4. The book titled "Violence against the “New Biedermeier”: Subcultures and Majority Society of Late State Socialism and Post-Socialism" deals with relations between the majority society and minority cultures in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the 1980s and the 1990s, respectively. The key notion is the New Biedermeier,a term which the author uses to describe the adaptation of the majority society to comfortable life and consumerism regardless of the ruling regime and ideology; he also uses it as a metaphor characterizing the last years of the state socialism and the early period of post-socialism. He sees subculture and activist violence as its antithesis. The reviewer describes the content of case studies dedicated to fans of black metal, racist skinheads, football hooligans, anti-fascist movement, other activist groups, and subculture leisure activities. She notes that it is unbalanced, stating that the author has not advanced from a mere description to an analysis of the functioning of the subcultures and their relations with the majority society.
Journal: Soudobé Dějiny
- Issue Year: XXVI/2019
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 151-154
- Page Count: 4
- Language: Czech