"Pomniki Dziejowe Ormian Polskich" – nowa seria źródłowa dotycząca społeczności ormiańskiej w Polsce
„Historical Memorials of Polish Armenians” – a New Source Edition Series about Armenian Community in Poland
Author(s): Monika AgopsowiczSubject(s): Cultural history, Social history
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: Polish Armenians; historical source edition
Summary/Abstract: A five-year-long research and editing project “Historical Memorials of Polish Armenians”, funded from “The National Programme for Development of Research in Humanities” of the Ministry of Education in Poland has been led by the Foundation of Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians and headed by Krzysztof Stopka. Other people involved in the project are: Monika Agopsowicz, Armen Artwich, Andrzej Gliński, Tomasz Krzyżowski, Marcin Łukasz Majewski, Hripsime Mamikonyan, Tatevik Sargsyan, Edward Tryjarski, Franciszek Wasyl and Andrzej A. Zięba. The aim of the project is to edit and publish the sources contributive to the history of Armenians in Poland between the 14th and 18th centuries. The historical sources are to be translated from Kipchak, Armenian and Latin into Polish. Volumes 1 and 2 comprise of: Zapisy sądu duchownego Ormian miasta Lwowa za lata 1564-1608 (Records from the Spiritual Court of Lwów’s Armenians between 1564-1608), Metryka katedry ormiańskiej we Lwowie za lata 1635-1732 (Lwów Cathedral Baptism Records from 1635-1732) and Zbiórki pieniężne gminy Ormian lwowskich za lata 1598-1637 (Tax Collections of the Armenian Community in Lwów from 1598-1637); volume 3 is to include Travel Notes by Simeon Lehatsi (in Armenian), volume 4 is to include Chronology, or church yearbooks by Stepanos Roshka; volume 5 is to include a translation of A Journey to Poland and other countries where exiles from Ani live by Minas Bzhyshkyan. Volume 6 Nowy Aliszan (New Alishan) references the historical sources collection published in 1896 by Ghewond Alishan, however, volume 6 is a new critical edition with many documents of which Alishan was unaware.
Journal: Lehahayer. Czasopismo poświęcone dziejom Ormian polskich
- Issue Year: 2018
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 291-296
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Polish