Stefan Starzyński. Economic policy in the light of the patriotic ethos: an independent economy, a strong state and labor government Cover Image

Stefan Starzyński. Polityka gospodarcza w świetle etosu niepodległościowego: niezależna gospodarka, silne państwo i rządy pracy
Stefan Starzyński. Economic policy in the light of the patriotic ethos: an independent economy, a strong state and labor government

Author(s): Grzegorz Szulczewski
Subject(s): National Economy, Public Finances
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Keywords: etatism; economic policy; II Republic of Poland; Ministry of Treasury; state-owned enterprises

Summary/Abstract: The article presents the life story of Stefan Starzyński. He was a great patriot during the partitionsengaged in underground activity, first self-education and then military. During the defenseof Independence and shaping the borders, he worked in the military administration and in 1920 healso participated in battles with the Red Army as an officer. Then he held high positions in the governmentof the Second Polish Republic, including the Ministry of Treasury. This period of StefanStarzyński’s life influenced the crystallization of his concept of economic policy, which was classifiedas the etatism. The article presents the program of etatism, developed under the direction ofStarzyński by a large group of politicians, economists and social activists called the First EconomicBrigade. The essence of the etatism included the strong role of the state in the economy in the formof regulation, investment, tax, customs and credit. The article also indicates that Starzyński’s viewson the economy and the role of the state were shaped not only on the basis of the work at the Ministryof Treasury, but also a polemic with liberals and representatives of industry and trade. The summaryhighlights the relevance of many elements of Starzyński’s economic policy program duringthe decomposition of the global economic order. It is also pointed out that Stefan Starzyński alwaysperformed the entrusted tasks in a reliable manner and there was no lack of involutions. In the finalconclusion presented in the article, the author concludes that it was a great format figure capable ofnobly, efficiently and effectively acting for the good of the Republic of Poland. He left behind theoriginal concept of economic policy.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 57
  • Page Range: 243-258
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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