Oddział kosynierów z Bieździedzy – powstanie i działalność
The Kosynierzy Unit from Bieździedza – Beginning and Activity
Author(s): Mateusz LechwarSubject(s): History, Modern Age, 18th Century
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: 10.18290/rt.2019.66.4-3
Summary/Abstract: The Kościuszko Uprising of 1794 was extremely important in the history of Poland. The memory of it, as well as Tadeusz Kościuszko, poured into the hearts of the Poles the hope of regaining independence. The increase of national consciousness among the peasantry in Galicia combined with the social work (including patriotic one) of priests among them resulted in the creation of many formations aimed at maintaining the spirit of patriotism.Kosynierzy unit in Bieździedza perfectly fits into this trend combining the ideas of the Young Poland with the incentives flowing from Bishop Józef Sebastian Pelczar. Many difficulties are caused by the exact reconstruction of the history of the discussed unit, because of very few written sources. The memories of people as well as the tradition passed on are invaluable in this case.This article presents the history of the beginning of the Kosynierzy unit and its fate. The work also describes uniforms and armaments and indicates what role those who belong to him play today.
Journal: Roczniki Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 66/2019
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 41-53
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish