On some Monetary Discoveries around the Hellenistic Fortification from Albești (Albești Township, Constanța County) Cover Image
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Despre unele descoperiri monetare din împrejurimile fortificaţiei elenistice de la Albeşti (com. Albeşti, jud. Constanţa)
On some Monetary Discoveries around the Hellenistic Fortification from Albești (Albești Township, Constanța County)

Author(s): Gabriel Mircea Talmaţchi
Subject(s): History, Archaeology
Published by: Editura Istros - Muzeul Brailei
Keywords: monetary signs; monetary discoveries; mint; fortification; Histria; Callatis; Pontus Euxinus; 6th-1st centuries B.C.;

Summary/Abstract: The amplification of the specialized activities carried out by the authorities specialized in the protection of the moveable national patrimony has brought to the attention of the archaeological world many ancient pieces of value for the national history. With various opportunities offered by many expertise works carried out at the request of the competent authorities, a number of important Dobrudjan discoveries got under our attention. These are included in the personal study theme on circulation and monetary presence in the pre-Roman Pontic space. For the present paper, we have chosen 50 monetary signs and coins of common metal that were discovered not far from the administrative town of Albeşti and the Greek Hellenistic fortification nearby. From the existing data, they were illegally discovered, either by unauthorized digging or by using metal detectors. The unprecedented information provided by these discoveries (monetary signs and coins “with wheel”) helps multiplying and consolidating the data which indicate the presence of a Histrian commercial point in the area (point “La Pădure”) before a deeper Dorian involvement and the penetration of the bronze coins coming from Histria, Olbia, Tyras, Dionysopolis and Sinope through the mobility of the Pontic population. Last but not least, bronze coins minted for the Macedonian kings Philip II and Alexander the Great complete the present catalog. The present monetary discoveries complete the general picture of the monetary circulation in the Albeşti township (Constanţa County) during the pre-Roman period.

  • Issue Year: XXIV/2018
  • Issue No: XXIV
  • Page Range: 81-125
  • Page Count: 46
  • Language: English, Romanian
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