The Lay Person and his Christian Vocation in the Teaching of Pope John Paul II Cover Image

The Lay Person and his Christian Vocation in the Teaching of Pope John Paul II
The Lay Person and his Christian Vocation in the Teaching of Pope John Paul II

Author(s): Józef Stala, Janez Vodičar
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Keywords: Pope John Paul II;Christian vocation;value and dignity of a human being

Summary/Abstract: Pope John Paul II in his oral and written teaching emphasised that Jesus Christ is theRedeemer of every human being and the same time underlined the value and dignityof every person, as well as his/her calling. In the 21st century, it is still worth recollectingthe depth of teaching of John Paul II, especially the truth about the human being andhis/her vocation through the mystery of the Redeemer. Therefore, this article will present some points from the documents written by Pope John Paul II, which refer to theChristian vocation of a lay man.

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