Između Balkana i Zapada: problem hrvatskog identiteta nakon Tuđmana i diskurzivna rekonstrukcija regije
Between the Balkans and the West: A Problem of Croatian Identity in the Post-Tuđman Period and a Discursive Reconstruction of the Region
Author(s): Nataša ZambelliSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Keywords: Croatia; Balkans; post-Tuđman period; post-structuralism; discourse analysis; radical other; identity
Summary/Abstract: This article addresses the question of the relationship between Croatia and the Balkans as a geographical and civilisational space and the way it shaped discursive changes in the immediate post-Tuđman period which started in the year 2000. The focus of the study is the articulation of ‘the West’ and ‘the Balkans’ in the Croatian political discourse that leads to the argument that a deeper cooperation between Croatia and the European Union is closely connected with the reconstruction of Croatian identity. The problem of the Balkans as the ‘radical other’ to the Croatian subject and difficulties in cooperation with that region demanded a thorough examination of Croatian identity and its relations with ethics and responsibility as promoted by the European Union. The study employs discourse analysis as a method of analysing the text, which is rooted in the post-structuralist theoretical approach.
Journal: Politička Misao
- Issue Year: XLVII/2010
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 55-76
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Croatian