Juraj Rohoň in Reflection by Rudo Brtáň Cover Image

Juraj Rohoň v reflexii Ruda Brtáňa
Juraj Rohoň in Reflection by Rudo Brtáň

Author(s): Michal Babiak
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV
Keywords: Juraj Rohoň (1773 – 1831) ; neoclassical poetry ; „national apologias“ ; Ján Kollár: Národné spievanky/National Songs ; Ján Kollár: Slávy dcera/The Daughter of Sláva ; Rudo Brtáň (1907 – 1998) ;

Summary/Abstract: The subject of the analysis is a lesser-known study by Rudo Brtáň (1907 – 1998) aboutSlovak classicist Juraj Rohoň (1773 – 1831), originally from the Turiec region, who spentmost of his life in Low Land. The study titled Juraj Rohoň was published by R. Brtáň ina literature and culture magazine of Yugoslavian Slovaks called Nový život/New Life in1965, which is produced in Serbia, this is why it remained less accessible and known toa significant part of Slovak literary science. Brtáň´s paper has fundamental importancefor understanding of J. Rohoň´s life and work, his findings are confronted with severalrecent investigations (S. Čelovský, E. Brtáňová, M. Babiak) in the study. A significantpart of Brtáň´s research is focused on genealogy, where besides Rohoň´s immediaterelatives he tracked other notable figures of this national revivalist, intelectual andartistic family. He also describes in more detail Rohoň´s main literary works: so-calledapologias Chvála Slováků/Apotheosis of Slovaks and Palma/A Palm Tree, a collection ofneoclassical poems Kratochvílne zpěvy pro mládež rolníckou/Leisure Time Songs for theFarming Youth, and also a collection of Slovak folk songs Starodávne zpěvy lidu slovenskéhov Uhrách/Ancient Songs of Slovak Folk in Hungary, which became a part of Kollár´sNárodnie spievanky/National Songs. The works which defended Slovaks and Slavsearned Rohoň a place in Ján Kollár´s poem Slávy dcera/The Daughter of Sláva – Kollárplaced him alongside other authors who had published apologias in the Slavic heaven.

  • Issue Year: 66/2019
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 380-388
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Slovak
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