Търговията със Субсахарска Африка според българските фирми
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa according to Bulgarian companies
Author(s): Eduard MarinovSubject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Higher Education , Financial Markets, Public Finances, Marketing / Advertising, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: International trade; SSA; Ex¬port opportunities; Bulgarian business attitudes
Summary/Abstract: The main characteristics of the companies carrying out and exhibiting interest in trade with Sub-Saharan Africa are identified based on the analysis of a representative survey of Bulgarian enterprises. In order to deepen and streamline the results obtained and to formulate adequate recommendations to the companies and the government for the future development of their policies, a number of companies with real trade relations with countries from the region were identified, with which structured interviews were conducted. The study discusses the results obtained – the first section presents briefly the general features of Bulgarian trade with Sub-Saharan Africa, the second focuses on the identified synthetic profile of Bulgarian companies trading with the region, while the third, main part of the study summarises the attitudes and assessments of Bulgarian business outlined within the structured interviews.
Journal: Годишник Икономика и бизнес
- Issue Year: 2/2017
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 102-115
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Bulgarian