Posibility For Improvement Of Specific Types Of Tourism In Border Municipalities In The North-East Serbia Cover Image

Могућност унапређења посебних облика туризма у пограничним општинама североисточне Србије
Posibility For Improvement Of Specific Types Of Tourism In Border Municipalities In The North-East Serbia

Author(s): Dejan Riznić, Danijela Voza, Milovan Vuković
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: border; border municipalities; specific forms of toursim; natural values; destination of the Low Danube area; natural values

Summary/Abstract: The complex and interrelated relationship between tourism and border phenomenon is an interesting and current filed of study. Tourism has become one of the most important factors of economic growth in many countries of the world. At the same time, permeability in the European internal borders has increased, challenging statecentric tourism development in the border municipalities. Border municipalitiies are often seen as ideal areaa for the development of specific types of tourism. The first part of this paper (its theoretical component) consider the relationship between political boundaries and tourism, in order to explain the tendency of different types of international border and their nearby areas to attract tourists. The protected natural areas offer huge potential for regional sustainable development in border municipalities, opening possibilities for establishing of transborder cooperation. The specific types of tourism have been considered in the second part of this paper (its empirical component), using the Low Danube area - the region consisted of five municipalities in the NorthEast Serbia (from the city of Veliko Gradište to Negotin). It has been shown that rich natural resources allow to these municipalities to get a comparative advantage on the tourist market; however, it necessarily requires investments in marketing strategy.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 04
  • Page Range: 1455-1473
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Serbian
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