WANDERING ALONG THE ROADS «VIA TATARICA» (Problems of determining the trade routes of the Juchid era in the territory of modern Ukraine) Cover Image

БЛУКАЮЧИ ШЛЯХАМИ «VIA TATARICA» (проблеми визначення торгових шляхів джучидської доби на теренах сучасної України)
WANDERING ALONG THE ROADS «VIA TATARICA» (Problems of determining the trade routes of the Juchid era in the territory of modern Ukraine)

Author(s): Kostyantin Khromov
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Economic history, Ancient World
Published by: ДВНЗ Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди
Keywords: monetary system; system terms; Genoa; “asper baricati”; Great Silk Road; Northern Black Sea Region; Ulus Juchi; «Via Tatarica»;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the study. Determination of the geographical direction and time of existence of the «Via Tatarica» trade road. An overview of methodological approaches to the use of data from numismatics and written sources. Designation of cities from the list of trade road «Via Tatarica» on the map. For greater clarity, part of the region map was used. A brief overview of the stages of the coinage in Ulus Juchi during the reign of Toqtu khan (12901312). Cautions against the dating of any monuments at the end of the 13th century in the presence of unattributed coins bearing the name of this khan. Suggestions for dating the existence of the «Via Tatarica» trade road with reliable sources. Main results of the study. The geographic location of the cities listed on the «Via Tatarica» trade road illustrates the inappropriate use of this road. Identification of inconsistency between the terms «asper baricati» in the terminology of Genoese notarial documents and «juchid dirhams» among the coin denominations. A brief overview of the term system of Genoese notarial acts does not allow the sign of equality between the money-weight term “asper baricati” and the name of the coin denomination Ulus Juchi – «dirham», or any other. These are different terms that exist in different terminology systems and define different concepts. Sometimes their weight characteristics may coincide, but even under such conditions it is impossible to place an equal sign between them.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 53-66
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Ukrainian
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