Частите на душата и богопознанието в моралната драма
„Премъдрост“ (Ум, Воля и Разбиране или Премъдростта,
която е Христос)
The Parts of the Soul and the Knowledge of God in the Drama of “Mind, Will and Understanding or Wisdom, Who is Christ”
Author(s): Slava YanakievaSubject(s): Philosophy, Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, History of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, History of Religion, History of Art
Published by: Издателство »Изток-Запад«
Keywords: Medieval Drama; devotional literature; presentational strategies; religious stage.
Summary/Abstract: Enumerating the parts of the soul could hardly be an object of leisure-time activity and it is only in themedieval presentative culture that we could find it as naturally integrated topos of a dramatic text. Thisseemingly paradoxical situation loses almost all of its mysterious aura in dramatic genres like theconventional for fifteenth-century England “drama of moral instruction”, which is by definitionnonrealistic in form and religiously utilized by content. The focus of this article is the famous drama ofWisdom Who is Christ from the Macro MS and specifically its first part which concerns the introductoryexposition of the “structure” of the soul, the latter being a central character of the play. While the themeof the parts of the soul are not new to premodern philosophy and theology, it is the way this topic isinternalized in the new devotional trends of the time that makes the analysis of the text and its dramaticpotential so fruitful. This analysis is all the more crucial for the understanding of the play as most of theaction is delegated only to parts of the soul as “representatives” of the protagonist and carriers of themechanics of the stage salvation. Important works of contemporary laical devotional and contemplativeliterature are considered in terms of their influence on the dramatic piece considered.
Journal: Архив за средновековна философия и култура
- Issue Year: 2019
- Issue No: 25
- Page Range: 237-258
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF