Seniorzy i ich problemy w wybranych apelach wyborczych w 2018 roku
The Elderly and their issues in the selected electoral pleas in 2018
Author(s): Beata Tomaszewska-HołubSubject(s): Politics, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: municipal elections;local government; electoral committee; seniors; ageing process;
Summary/Abstract: In the last 25 years Polish society’s aging process has been intensified what caused a constant growth of the number of people in the age 65 and more. Furthermore, according to demographic prognosis, the share of this age group will be rising in the next years, as well as the role of “silver” electorate. In the local governments selections in 2018 the Elderly were perceived as an important electorate group. Their problems were not ignored and political groups noticed the necessity of winning this group round. In campaigns and election programs candidates focused on the seniors’ needs. The main propositions dealt with safety and health issues, as well as concerns regarding institutional solutions targeted for this group specifically. It can be said the Elderly became one of the most desirable voters next to the Young on Polish political scene
Journal: Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
- Issue Year: 21/2019
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 72-86
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish