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Integration of Cultures as a 21st Century Phenomenon
Integration of Cultures as a 21st Century Phenomenon

Author(s): Yulia Anatoliyivna Rybinska
Subject(s): Culture and social structure , Social development, Social differentiation, Sociology of Culture, Globalization
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: integration processes; globalization and regionalization; cultural integration; assimilation; cultural identity; multiculturalism; intercultural society; pluralism;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to examine the main characteristics of multiculturalism and ways of solving multicultural problems in the globalized world of the XXI century and to show the current trends of integration during the global processes of globalization. The methodology of the research is based on comparative and analytical methods, which are accompanied by natural observations. For a multicultural society, a common space and sometimes even culture is characteristic. This can have different advantages, but on the other hand, it is a threat to the emergence of problems and conflicts. The scientific novelty of the work consists in expanding knowledge about integration processes as a phenomenon of the XXI century, which is focused on the integration of the intercultural society and multiculturalism. A detailed analysis emphasizes the synthesis of the advantages and disadvantages of these processes. Conclusions. The article is a study, in which the author compares various cultures in many societies and tries to find a possible solution to problems that arise in intercultural communities, and thus can create new ways of solving actual problems. In particular, such issues deserve particular attention as: integration of countries in the era of globalization at the regional level; existing integration models; successes and challenges; new stages of integration in the world. A general description of the significance and importance of the concept "culture" and "cultural diversity" in business organizations is presented. The effectiveness of scientific research that studies the diversity of cultures is generally proved. On the eve of this study, a general assessment of the cultural course in organizational and business literature was conducted. It has been statistically proved that the indicators of the integration of cultures have increased significantly in the 21st century. A deep understanding of integration as a phenomenon of the 21st century will provide a constructive understanding of the world as a whole. In addition, international integration will contribute to the important elements of social progress, such as interethnic public benefits and economic growth.

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