A Critique to the Phenomenon of According to Historicalist Perspective Systemization of the Qoran in Specialty of Mustafa Ozturk’s Article Called “The Quality of the Qoran As Being A Historical Addres” Cover Image

Mustafa Öztürk’ün “Kur’an’ın Tarihsel bir Hitap Oluş Keyfiyeti” Makalesi Özgülünde Kur’an’ın Tarihselci Bir Perspektiften Tevili Üzerine Bir Eleştiri
A Critique to the Phenomenon of According to Historicalist Perspective Systemization of the Qoran in Specialty of Mustafa Ozturk’s Article Called “The Quality of the Qoran As Being A Historical Addres”

Author(s): Necmeddin TURAN
Subject(s): Islam studies
Published by: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Keywords: The Quran; Historicity/Locality; Supra-historicity/Universality;

Summary/Abstract: The book of Muslims The Quran have interested both Muslıms and other people since its first appearance. To understand its message truly, mutakallims(islamic philosopher),faqihs(moslemjurist),philosophers and sufis(mystic)have brought new wiewpoint and all of them have explained The Quran according to their own wiewpoints. In the activities of understanding and interpreting The Quran truly, they applied explaination mechanisms like umum-husus (general-matter), muhkam-mutashabih (strong-similar), siyaq-sibaq (method-past), haqiqat-macaz (truth-metaphor) etc. In this article, we will approach the developed viewpoints of the understanding of The Quran, generally. Moreover, we will ciriticize ‘Historical Perspective’ which is the new point of view to understand The Quran, according to Ozturk’s article and at the same time point out some possible theological problems by the historicalist perspective. İn this manner, we will state our own opinion about this issue with those produced wiewpoints of understanding of The Quran, especially historicalist perspective.

  • Issue Year: 5/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 1015 -1050
  • Page Count: 36
  • Language: Turkish
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