Al-Nadim’s [Ibn al-Nadīm] Approach to Sufis and Tasawwuf in His Book Called al-Fihrist Cover Image

en-Nedîm’in [İbnü’n-Nedîm] el-Fihrist Adlı Eserinde Sûfîlere ve Tasavvufa Yaklaşımı
Al-Nadim’s [Ibn al-Nadīm] Approach to Sufis and Tasawwuf in His Book Called al-Fihrist

Author(s): Betül İZMİRLİ
Subject(s): Islam studies
Published by: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Keywords: Tasawwuf; al-Nadim; al-Fihrist; Zahid; Mutasawwif;

Summary/Abstract: Al-Nadim was a Baghdad copyist (warrāq) and author who lived in the 4th century hijri/10th century miladi. His book al-Fihrist has been thought to be the first work of History of Science. The book contains important data in many disciplines such as Philosophy, Ancient Sciences, Poetry, Literature, Chemistry as well as Islamic Sciences. Al-Fihrist is a bibliographic work that is the main source of Islamic Theology. The work, which gives information about the authors and their writings, has been written with the method of tabaqat works. This book contains valuable and detailed knowledge specific to Islamic sciences such as Hadith, Kalām, Fiqh, their scholars and classifications. But in al-Fihrist there is no specific area for the Science of Tasawwuf. However, the author has discussed the data on the ahl al-tasawwuf at the introduction of the 5th chapter of the 5th article on theology. In the aforementioned chapter, al-Nadim dealt with a known sufi silsila, a few lists containing information about some sufi muallifs and their works. The subject of this article is the nature and qualification of the small amount of mystical information in the book. The author did not mention Tasawwuf as a science and even by name in the place where these data exist collectively and in the whole work; whereas al-Nadim has clearly referred to people who are qualified as zahid, sufi and mutasawwif and who are members of this science. It is remarkable why he followed such a method. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze al-Nadim’s perception of Tasawwuf and his thoughts on Ahl al-Tasawwuf. A number of evaluations and syntheses on the issue have been made in the light of historical and social context.

  • Issue Year: 5/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 1183 -1216
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Turkish
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