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Ольфакторні коди християнства
Olfactorium Codes of Christianity

Author(s): Yuliya Vitaliyivna Yukhymyk
Subject(s): Philosophy of Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: olfactorium code; sacral significance; sacral chronotype; sacral communication; numinous emotional experience, deification;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to identify the specific of olfactorium elements‘ appearance in the orthodox ceremonial environment and their typological analysis as codificators of Christianity sacral significance. The methodology. Cross-disciplinary aesthetics and theological approach is used in identifying phenomenological specific of odor components in the orthodox context. The scientific novelty. Classification is performed and is established the functional potential of odors, which are permanently present in temple‘s environment, which appear at certain moments of cultic events, which are verbally noted with sacred texts as catalysts of numinous emotional experience and as representatives of the idea of ubiquitous testament at different levels. Conclusions. The typological analysis of olfactorium elements in the Christian context states their effective functioning in the quality of symbolic codes of essential sacral characteristics of God‘s perfection, communion with God, temple‘s chronotype, the deification of sarx, life and death.

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