Дизайнът като стратегия в управлението на търговската марка: Практики при IKEA
Design as a brand management strategy: practices of IKEA
Author(s): Dimitar TrendafilovSubject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , Financial Markets, Public Finances, Marketing / Advertising, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Brand management; Design; Consumer experience; Competitive advantage
Summary/Abstract: The expand of the coverage of brands from mere marketing tools to intangible assets of higher value and strategic significance for companies inevitably has leaded both to development and some complications in their protection as objects of intellectual property protection. Currently, from management perspective, it is hard to say which approach is more important in terms of gaining competitive advantages: name registration, particular geographical indications registration, know-how defense or design/s registration. This article scrutinizes a particular example in this train of thoughts – a practice of IKEA, that is design-driven both ‘philosophically’ and on the corporate and production level.The challenge before the Swedish giant is even bigger since it strives for creating comfort, consumer experience and desire for next purchase without losing its traditions and initial business formula. For the purpose of the analysis, an expert research has been conducted, whose focus has been put on the number and type of registrations that we could find by searching in the data bases of World and European intellectual property organizations, as well as in some local bases – Bulgaria, Sweden and USA.
Journal: Годишник Икономика и бизнес
- Issue Year: 3/2018
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 136-148
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Bulgarian